Monday, May 2, 2005

Hello Teddy - Honorable Mention @ WESC 2005

Project name: Hello Teddy
Contest: WESC 2005
Award: Honorable Mention
Team: Andrei Laurentiu Georgescu, Stefan-Valentin Guna, Gabriel Alexandru Ghiondea, Emil-Cristian Bîrsan
Mentor: Nicolae Tapus, Vlad Panait

In the news:

Imagine you could be all day near your child, even while working or having to go on a business trip and your offspring has to stay home with its grandparents, your spouse or a baby-sitter. Think of being able to see it any minute of the day or talking to him any time you want to.
Statistics show that in most U.S. homes with two parents, both of them have a job. These parents have to ask for help from a relative, a neighbor or a day care provider. In the world, about 70% of parents place their young children in some type of daily care.
All the people would like to see and talk to their children when they are away from them. Hello TEDDY! is a system that goes beyond conventional boundaries in child care by providing support for these people; it is disguised as a toy (a teddy bear) and it allows parents to closely monitor their children while they are on a business trip and somebody else takes care of their children. Parents can use this system from a remote computer miles away from home and they are be able to watch, listen or speak to their children as if they were one foot away.
Stories are important elements in a child’s life as they develop the child’s imagination and the perception of the surrounding world. That is why Hello TEDDY! can tell such stories either by being programmed by parents or by playing when the child requests with a squeeze of one of teddy’s hands. Using sensors, one can monitor their children’s environment: if the baby-sitter forgets to close the window and the temperature drops, parents receive a notification. Scheduled memos can be stored and played at a proper time so the little ones know when it is bed time or time for dinner. If the children require their parents’ attention, they will be able to call them by squeezing another member of the teddy.
The system assures parents that baby-sitters have an adequate behavior in respect to their children. It has a psychological impact on parents, by making them feel close to their little ones; they will be relieved and they will be able to focus on their work.
It is important to know that Hello TEDDY! does not replace human guidance, but it is only a tool for persons who are taking care of children that can help organizing this activity in a more efficient way. Children will like this “toy” because it is funny and it tells bedtime stories. Just think what an impact advice coming from a toy that resembles the voice and warmness of a parent would have.